This was the first year we took our daughter to the fireworks. She was scared of them at first but soon agreed to turn around and look at them after some prodding…and maybe some lines from us that went like this, “Caillou likes to watch the fireworks!” (and no one winces more at Caillou and his whiny voice than I do!). I was okay with missing the finale of the show in exchange for capturing her reaction!
We recently had a little mommy-daughter date out in Stillwater. Oh and just in case you were wondering…walking .7 miles steeply uphill most of the way in 90 degrees and 65% humidity from Teddy Bear Park to Nelson’s Ice Cream while pushing a toddler in a stroller is a great workout. And you’ll feel a lot less guilty about sharing massive amounts of ice cream with your kid. And if you haven’t been in Mara Mi downtown Stillwater lately, you should! They also carry lots of Russell & Hazel merchandise. I could totally move in there. Lots of natural light, succulents, and fun artwork. Speaking of succulents we discovered a succulent wall during our day out. Now who can I shoot in front of it!?
And because sometimes I just don’t feel like whippin’ out the “real” camera, some Instagrams taken with my iPhone.